“Where WE are Loving Through the Cross”



To reach the diversified population of Jacksonville.

To reach all race and socioeconomic classes.

To offer Hope to those that other churches have left behind.



 Core Values:

We value Christ Headship and Biblical Teaching.

We acknowledge Christ as the head of the church. Eph.1:22-23

We believe that the Bible is the God inspired word and our authority on treating others impartially without bias or prejudice. 

We value Acceptance Romans 15:7     Philippians 2:22

We value Community as an effective way of building relationships stimulating spiritual growth and

reaching the un-churched.

God desires His people to pray and that He hears and answers prayer. 

We value Prayer  James 5: 13-18    Matthew 7:7-11                            

The ministries and activities of this church will be characterized by the reliance on prayer.

We value Encouragement giving Hope to people who need Hope through Jesus Christ

We value Excellence we believe that excellence Honors God and inspires people and that the God of our salvation deserves the best.  




To Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the un-churched people of our community.

To Disciple new believers to be vibrant believers through small groups and corporate worship.

To offer Hope to those who are without Hope.