Not only does Living Hope Ministries beleive in spreading the gospel locally but we also beleive in supporting those who are in the field taking the light of Jesus Christ into the world where some can not go. Annually we as a congregation give over $10,000 to send the gospel into the world, spanning 12 countries and three US cities and states. If you see a mission project that you would want to support we encourage you to visit us on Givelify by clicking here and selecting the envelope MISSIONS, please include the project number in the note so that we can use the money directly for that project or if you just want to give to the missions fund no note is required. World missions has been a heartbeat of Pastor Bob and the staff of LHM and as such all the projects reflect the diversity within our congregation with every project reflecting a country of a member of our congregation as well as realizing that there is a need here in this country as well. 

For more information about the projects and the missionaries behind them please feel free to contact our office by clicking here

CIty of Refuge - Project # 102-9572

Our Mission: City of Refuge Baltimore seeks to partner with individuals and families in crisis to clear a pathway out of poverty and into a thriving community.

With 15 years of experience meeting people’s most basic needs of food, clothing, and resources; in 2017 we shifted into a partnership with families in a more deep way.  City of Refuge Baltimore is a growing leader in the business of social transformation. We are located in the middle of Brooklyn and Curtis Bay on the south side of Baltimore city, one of the most struggling neighborhoods where nearly 35% of the residents live below the Federal Poverty Level. We believe the people of Brooklyn and Curtis Bay desire and deserve to live abundantly with access to vital resources, networks, and opportunities. In light of this, City of Refuge Baltimore seeks to partner with individuals and families in crisis to clear a pathway out of poverty and into a thriving community.


Baltimore, MD, USA


Nicaragua Clean Water Wells - Project # 102-9554

This project helps to provide clean water wells to the countries poorest areas. We are working as a region on this project with other churches in the area to supply money and manpower for these mission trips. Water is a lifesource to a community and without clean water health can not begin to improve and funtion. 

As of December 2021 Living Hope Ministries through the contributions of the congregation has been able to supply a well of our very own to a village. 

Various locations, Nicaragua


Benson and Cathy Vaughan,

Educators to the Seminary of South America -  Project #: 065-0138

Benson, a third-generation ordained bishop in the Church of God, worked as a public-school teacher in Maryland, and Cathy was a medical technologist and worked in hospitals in Maryland and Tennessee. They developed a love for international students while they both attended and graduated from Pentecostal Theological Seminary. During the past 20 years, they have served as missionary educators in over 30 countries on five continents. Benson completed his Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham (UK) and published a book about the music of the Church of God, and Cathy is presently working on her Ph.D. from South African Theological Seminary.

Benson and Cathy believe in planting seeds into the lives of young men and women who will one day go into many countries of the world to spread the Gospel.




Quinto, Ecuador


Bread of life orpahnage & feeding centers - Project #: 102-4021

Bread of Life has been bringing the love of God to the poor in rural Romania for over 15 years. The work of bringing relief to the orphans and neglected children began in the small mountain village of Brosteni. At the request of the town’s mayor who did not have a place for abandoned children, Bread of Life received an empty building once used for a mining dormitory and renovated it to create a home for them. Today the Orphanage is a vibrant place filled with the sound of happy children running and laughing. The same children who once were dirty, hungry, and covered with lice now have clean clothes, warm beds, and good food. Each child is loved and encouraged to do his or her personal best: socially, academically, and spiritually. If you visit the Bread of Life orphanage during the worship times you will hear the same thing God hears: a room filled with his beautiful children singing at the top of their lungs! The family relationship with the children continues after they are old enough to leave. Bread of Life provides transitional housing, tuition for higher education or job training, and most importantly mentoring for them to become young men and women for Christ.

Bread of Life’s work in Romania has expanded in recent years to bring relief to the children of other poor villages across Romania through their Feeding Center program. Bread of Life staff work with local churches to set up basic kitchen and dining facilities. Local poor children who do not have enough are invited to come and have a hot nutritious meal. Bread of Life supplies the food which is then prepared and served by the local church volunteers. The children are included in a program of Bible stories and songs. Through the Feeding Centers, Bread of Life also distributes warm winter coats, hygiene products, and school back packs to needy children. With the prayers and help of supporters Bread of Life is making a difference every day.








Brosteni, Romania

Phebe Grey Orphanage - Project #: 101-9004

The impact of 14 years of civil war in Liberia has been devastating to the nation and its infrastructure. For children, the impact is unimaginable. Many of the children were orphaned and then forced into combat, participating in and witnessing the horrors of war.  The trauma these children have faced is overwhelming. Phebe Grey Orphanage was built in 1996 and has served as a beacon of hope for children.

Liberian Overseer Moses Hart speaks with passion as he describes the circumstances and needs of the orphanage. Currently, Phebe Grey cares for 89 children, but truly needs to expand its services. The constant instability of many necessary services makes it one of the most challenging places to serve.  Missionaries Max and Debbie Thompson were deployed in early 2013 to help rebuild infrastructure and programming for the orphanage.





Kibera Kids Center - Project #102-5059

The beautiful Kibera Kids Center (KKC)/ Life Springs Academy sits as an oasis adjacent to the massive slum of Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya. Kibera is a constantly evolving ministry meeting the needs of children in and around the slums.  It features multiple buildings and ministries reaching several hundred children each day. The center primarily functions as an onsite educational facility for children in the area who may not be able to receive any education.  The residents are boarded and clothed by the learning center.  Orphans receive a scholarship to cover their place at the school. A new dorm is being built to house preschool and young children from the slums.

The ministry has a solid academic, child development and spiritual development program.  The children attend the onsite chapel. New intake and pre-school facilities are being constructed to continue ministering to the children who are in a “survival mode.” Providing them love, life necessities, a good education, and a strong spiritual life, we want to make a difference.  KKC is reaching them in whatever way they are left uncared for.  We have them all, from the displaced to the abandoned, from those left behind by death, to those whose last living parent is on the deathbed and unable to do anything—KKC is there!





Nairobi, Kenya

Four Winds Ministry Center - Project #065-0503

The Countrymans had a great love and burden for Native American people and believed that God had a plan for their lives to work and minister among this indigenous people group.

In 1975, the Countrymans sold their home and small horse farm in northern Illinois and moved to Montana to follow the Lord’s call to minister to the Native Americans. In the course of 23 years the Countrymans have successfully pastored three churches within the state of Montana and for the last 32 years have lived in the small ranching community of Big Timber. With funding from their denomination, Ron and Kathy were able to purchase 24 acres near Big Timber, which is now known as the Four Winds Ministry Center.

Ron Countryman began his ministry in 1977. He has served on the Montana/Wyoming youth board, North Central Regional council, and as district overseer. He was awarded the District Overseer of the Year award in 1988, 1989, and again in 1990.

Ron served as advisor to the Big Timber Youth Rodeo Association and served on the board for Big Brothers, Big Sisters at the time of its inception in Sweet Grass County. Ron is a 19 year veteran of the Sweet Grass County Sheriff’s Department serving as a reserve deputy and the chaplain for that department.

Ron is a member of the Church of God Chaplains Commission and the International Conference of Police Chaplains. He is director of the Montana Native American Ministries and Four Winds Ministry Center.

Kathy Countryman has served on the Ladies Ministries board for the North Central Region. She is a teacher/speaker and has been asked to minister at training sessions at Four Winds and at ladies retreats and seminars around the state, predominately to Native American ladies. Kathy served as a substitute teacher at Sweet Grass County High School and was also in charge of the School to Work and adult education programs. She also serves as the assistant director of the Four Winds Ministry Center.

In 2008 Ron and Kathy received one of the greatest and most infrequent honors. The Turnsplenty family adopted Ron and Kathy into their family and into the Crow Indian Nation.









Big Timber, Montana


Send the light lome - Project #102-9435-005

Church of God World Missions has chosen the city of Lomé as one of the Send the Light to the Cities effort.

Send the Light to the Cities is a belief and strategy focusing on major cities around the world with the people and resources God gives so they serve as lighthouse cities. WM director Dr. David M. Griffis says, “We will evangelize, plant birthing churches, and provide an evangelism and training center in each one of them.”

Why Lomé?

The capital and largest city in the West African country of Togo, Lomé has a population of over 1.5 million.

Although Lomé is the country’s administration and industrial center, it suffers great poverty and unhealthy urban conditions. Added to these adversities, it is at the voodoo center of Africa, where dead animal parts are purchased at a fetish market for use in curses.

A world-class city of beautiful high-rise buildings, banks, businesses, parks, and football stadiums all overlook squalor, potholed muddy streets, and teeming masses of humanity.

The Church of God was founded in Togo in 1992. Growth for our 53 churches is currently rapid with church planting. Because of the growth, leadership development is a great need in Lomé. It is prime soil for a teaching and training center for pastors throughout the West Africa region.

What you can do?

Pray. There is no substitute for fervent prayer about the millions of people who do not have the light of Christ shining in their lives.

Give. Your donations will meet specific needs for Lomé to be a lighthouse city. There are people ready to give themselves to this mission. We can send and support, they will go and give. Land and buildings will be purchased or built. Ministers, workers, and ministries will be trained and supported.









Lome, Togo

Yves Bazile, Missionary church pastor &

Church planter - Project #065-0193

Yves Bazile was born in Léogáne, Haiti. After his conversion in 1983, he began to prepare himself for ministry. Yves’ first ministerial assignment was in Brooklyn, New York, as youth pastor. He soon realized the need for further ministerial training and attended East Coast Bible College where he earned a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies. In deciding to be better prepared for the future tasks awaiting him, Yves completed the Master of Divinity program at Pentecostal Theological Seminary and sought the Lord intensely for direction. His prayer was: “Wherever He leads me, I will go.” Yves was not sure whether the Lord would send him to the mission field abroad or allow him to continue to work in the United States. He became aware the Lord was preparing him for fulltime ministry in France, one of the least evangelized countries in Western Europe. Born again Pentecostal Christians comprise less than one percent of the population. Yves believes France is on the brink of a great spiritual awakening, and he wants to be a warrior in the battle against the anti-spiritual mindset that exists in that country.

Yves is married to Micheline, and they are the parents of three children. They serve in France as missionary pastors and church planters. Your prayers and financial support are coveted for this monumental task.






Various Locations, France

Lisette & Steffen Schumaker, Educators to the European Theological Seminary - Project #065-0131

The daughter of former missionaries, Jake and Becky Popejoy, Lisette was born in Bury St. Edmunds, England. Having lived her earlier years in several European countries, she developed an interest in languages.

Lisette received her calling to missions during college, and upon graduating, a door opened for her to spend the summer teaching English in Mongolia. She also spent a year teaching English at the Church of God seminary (SEMISUD) in Ecuador. Yet, Lisette had a strong desire to return to Europe. In 2000, appointed as an associate missionary, she was sent to Central and Eastern Europe/CIS, based in Germany, and now is presently serving at the European Theological Seminary.

Lisette is married to Steffen, a German minister, who adds many gifts of his own to the ministry they are privileged to accomplish as a team. He holds an M.Div. and is presently pursuing a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies.

Lisette believes that education and communication are areas in which the people of God can work toward seeing the people of the world receive a clear knowledge of Jesus Christ. Training takes place on several levels—the missionary trained on the homefront; the missionary training leaders abroad; and the new leaders training their own people.

To the Schumachers, the ministry partnership with donors means they can focus more fully on their responsibilities on the field; will not feel alone in the work they’ve been sent to do; and can know people are thinking about them, praying for them, and believing in them enough to invest in their ministry, which affirms them when the times of discouragement come.








Black Forest, Germany

Open Arms, Jyothi’s Home for Children - Project #: 740-0109

In southern India, children of the street can look forward to an unceasing search for food, begging, and stealing from street vendors, forced labor, and unspeakable abuse amid the disease-ridden masses. A local Church of God pastor with passion to help this impoverished region worked to establish Open Arms (Jyothi’s Home for Children), which now cares for some 450 of these hurting and homeless children.

UNICEF reports over 25 million orphans and 5,000 children die every day in India due to preventable causes. And, the World Health Organization states that 49 percent of the world’s underweight children, 34 percent of stunted children, and 46 percent of wasted children live in India. The Church of God stands with Open Arms to make a difference. Your support can change the situation.



Southern India





Church of God World Missions 365 Challenge,

The Last, The Least, and The Lost - Project #:1020365

The last, the least, and the lost comprise approximately 3.23 billion of the world's total population of over seven billion people. That is over forty percent of our global population!

These are people with little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most of these people reside in the 10/40 window. We will highlight a different group within the last, the least, and the lost each week as we change our world one day at a time.

For more information on this project please contact a member of the church staff. 









National Workers, Chad - Project #201-0017


This is a fund for the missionaries that work within the country of Chad, Africa. This fund is accessible to assist pastors and missionaries who are in need of finacial assistance as they minister the word of God to the villages of Chad. 

Various locations, Chad


Northwest Workers, Guatemala - Project #201-0071



This fund is to help support pastors and missionaries in the country of Guatemala that take the gospel into the villages and cities of this country. 

Various Locations, Guatemala